card background SOLID Principles Nov 06, 2022
The basics of SOLID software design.
card background Clean Code Nov 06, 2022
A very brief introduction to writing clean code inspired by Robert C. Martin's lessons.
card background Debian Basics Sep 27, 2022
A description of the basic architecture of debian.
card background Debian - Setup GPG/SSH for Github Nov 10, 2022
Setting up GPG/SSH keys to sign github commits.
card background Docker Basics Mar 20, 2023
Basic commands and concepts of docker.
card background Dockerfile Basics Mar 23, 2023
Basic usage and concepts of dockerfiles.
card background ESP8266 - WS2815 LED Strip Mar 02, 2023
A quick example of how to interface WS2815 LEDs using an ESP8266.
card background HP Microserver Gen8 - 10GBit/s upgrade Dec 01, 2022
Upgrading a HP Microserver Gen8 with an 10Gbit/s NIC.
card background Local HTTPS Server Nov 19, 2023
Setting up a HTTPS server that works in your local network by becoming a Certificate Authority.
card background Nginx - Rate Limiting Sep 23, 2022
An example of setting up rate limiting using ngx_http_limit_req_module and fail2ban.
card background Nginx - Reverse Proxy Sep 23, 2022
card background rdiff - patching files Sep 16, 2022
An example of how to use rdiff to apply a differential patch to a remote file.
card background Reverse Engineering - Introduction Nov 06, 2022
An introduction to reverse engineering by examining and modifying a simple application.
card background Self Hosted Mailserver Jun 08, 2024
How, why and why not to setup your own mailserver.
card background ST-Link/V2 Setup Sep 15, 2022
Setting up the ST-Link/V2 programmer for STM8/STM32 microcontrollers.
card background STM32F030F4 - Bare Metal - Blink Sep 15, 2022
card background STM32F030F4 - Bare Metal - Getting Started Sep 15, 2022
card background TIG Stack - Monitoring Systems Sep 28, 2022
An introduction to the TIG Stack and one way to set it up to monitor a system.
card background WSL: Connect to external network Feb 18, 2023
Connecting WSL to an external network instead of the default host-only internal virtual network so it acts as a normal device on the local network.
card background WSL - Use SSH Keys From Host Jan 03, 2023
Using SSH keys from the windows host inside a WSL guest.