How to run a virtual android device without installing Android Studio.
The basics of SOLID software design.
A very brief introduction to writing clean code inspired by Robert C. Martin's lessons.
A description of the basic architecture of debian.
Setting up GPG/SSH keys to sign github commits.
Basic commands and concepts of docker.
Basic usage and concepts of dockerfiles.
A quick example of how to interface WS2815 LEDs using an ESP8266.
Upgrading a HP Microserver Gen8 with an 10Gbit/s NIC.
Setting up a HTTPS server that works in your local network by becoming a Certificate Authority.
An example of setting up rate limiting using ngx_http_limit_req_module and fail2ban.
An example of how to use rdiff to apply a differential patch to a remote file.
An introduction to reverse engineering by examining and modifying a simple application.
How, why and why not to setup your own mailserver.
Setting up the ST-Link/V2 programmer for STM8/STM32 microcontrollers.
An introduction to the TIG Stack and one way to set it up to monitor a system.
Connecting WSL to an external network instead of the default host-only internal virtual network so it acts as a normal device on the local network.
Using SSH keys from the windows host inside a WSL guest.